
Sea Salt Scrub Skin Care

Sea Salt Scrub Skin Care

Use sea salts to help draw toxins out of your skin, leaving you feeling clean and refreshed and your skin feeling soft and supple. Soften tough skin with a moisturizing sea salt scrub.


Beauty Ingredients:
1/2 cup oil. Use sweet almond, grapeseed or another light-textured massage oil. Don't use simple cooking oil from your pantry.

1 cup fine sea salt. Baleine is a good choice. Don't use simple iodized table salt -- it's too harsh. If you have sensitive skin you can substitute sugar, which is gentler.

5-15 drops high quality essential oils. The essential oil you choose for your salt scrub depends on the result you want. Lavender is relaxing, lemongrass is refreshing and rosemary is stimulating. You can experiment and do your own blend.

Put the salt (or sugar) in a small bowl.

Add the oil, mixing well with a spoon or wooden stick. The texture should be moist enough to hold together, but not overly oily. You can adjust the amount of oil to achieve that texture.

Gently tap in the drops of essential oil and combine well. If you get more interested in aromatherapy you can customize your recipe using different essential oils

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