
Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea

Mint tea is probably second to Chamomile in popularity among herbal teas. Peppermint tea soothes the digestive track and is helpful for heartburn, nausea and indigestion. I drink it daily in early pregnancy to help alleviate nausea and use it in a homemade digestive tincture.

While it is especially helpful during illness, Peppermint is a delicious tea anytime and can be consumed alone or with other herbs to help increase their effectiveness.

Benefits of Peppermint Tea

1. Relieve Stomach Problems
Peppermint is considered a stomach healer that can assist with irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, stomach aches, diarrhea or constipation. 

2. Aid Digestion
Peppermint acts as a cooling carminative that helps to relieve pain in the digestive tract by helping gas to move through your stomach and intestines after you have eaten.

3. Relieve Nausea, Fever and Cough
The antispasmodic qualities of peppermint can help to prevent vomiting that often comes with nausea or stomach aches in these conditions. The analgesic properties of the tea can help to calm and relax the stomach and intestinal muscles that can help to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea or stomach cramps.

4. Boost Immune System
Many people consume peppermint tea when they are suffering from the cold or flu because it is full of calcium, vitamin B and potassium that can give the immune system a boost. Some claim that sipping peppermint tea can help keep mild asthma cases under controls, though medical professionals doubt this information. These ingredients can help to relieve the symptoms of your illness and prevent you from getting ill in the future.

5. Reduce Bad Breath
 Drinking peppermint tea on a regular basis is claimed to help to permanently rid you of bad breath symptoms that can be uncomfortable or embarrassing.

6. Relieve Stress
The taste and smell of peppermint are known to help relieve stress. Drinking peppermint tea is found to help people sleep more easily at night because of these stress-relieving properties. 

7. Lose weight
Some claim that peppermint tea can suppress the appetite, which is helpful for those that are trying to lose weight. 

8. Headaches or migraines
It has found that drinking peppermint tea can help reduce the discomfort that is associated with headaches or migraines.

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